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Some general interest stats on SMSFs

Mixed phase SMSFs holding greatest assets



While mixed phase SMSFs are not the largest SMSF member segment, they hold significantly more in net assets per member than those in either accumulation or pension phase, according to a recent report.

The Class SMSF Benchmark Report for March 2018, based on data from Class software users, indicated that 50.6 per cent of SMSFs are in accumulation, 18 per cent are in pension phase SMSFs and 31.4 per cent are mixed phase SMSFs.

While mixed phase SMSFs account for just under a third of all SMSFs, on average they have the highest net assets per SMSF.

Mixed phase SMSFs hold $2,306,000 in net assets on average, compared to $1,215,000 for pension phase SMSFs and $781,000 for accumulation phase SMSFs.

The statistics on members reflect similar numbers with 51 per cent of members in accumulation, 16 per cent of members in pension phase and 33 per cent of members in mixed phase SMSFs.

The average age of members in these categories was 52 for accumulation, 65 for mixed phase and 72 for pension phase.

Members in mixed phase SMSFs hold the highest balances at $1,143,000, while accumulation members hold $411,000 in net assets on average and pension phase members hold $729,000 in net assets on average.



By Miranda Brownlee
18 May 2018


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